[Bronze Age Text]
(CLICK to Enlarge) More Bronze
Age school lessons from Sweden.
Above left, a man holds a
shield, which is drawn to form the Tifinag letter "B," so that the
inscription reads from right to left:
B-K-L-A = Old Norse bukla =
or "buckler."
On the right a bull is led to a
cow; the bull's head forms the letter "B", to yield B-L = Old Norse
beli = "a bull.” The cow is
labeled GH-W, apparently for Old Norse ku,
the dative case of kyr = "a cow." The text might be translated to mean
"A bull for a cow" or A bull is led
to a cow."
Lower left, the sun god Sol
holds the consonants that spell his name S-L; the letters can also be read
from right to left, to yield L-S, Old Norse lysa, giving a palindrome that becomes Sol lysa = "The sun shines." The first
two petroglyphs are from Bohuslän, the third from Östfold (Fell 1982). |